Featured Artists
- A through C
- D through H
- I through O
- P through Z
Ryan's Fancy
- Songs from the Shows
- 2001 - Avalon Music 02 02025 CD
- Tracklist
- The Wild Goose
- Come Along
- Go To Sea No More
- The Cliffs Of Baccalieu
- The Boys Of The Island
- The Ryans And The Pittmans
- Farewell To Tarwathie
- The Squid Jiggin Ground
- The Hills Of Glenswilly
- As Johnny Went Ploughin
- The Green Shores Of Fogo
- A Great Big Sea/The Copper Plate Reel
- Come To The Bower
- Fear a'Bheata
- Ryan's Fancy
- Dermot O'Reilly
- Fergus O'Byrne
- Denis Ryan
- Notes
- Information on this release comes from outside sources.