Israel 1967 — The familiar sights of Sinai are described in this song. The lyrics speak of the disappointment of giving up Sinai after the Suez campaign of 1956.
Kuma Echa — Don't sleep brother, don't give up. Day after day we will all work and dance hand in hand.
Vayiven Oziyaho — This is a quotation from the bible. It tells of King Uziyahu who built towers in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem The Golden — This song became a hit after the Six Day War of 1967. It describes the longing for Jerusalem and the pain in seeing her neglected.
Ma Ichpat — Let's keep up our morale, and it will keep us in turn.
Besadmot Balt Lechem — The song describes Rachel, the wife of Jacob, and her mourning for her children.
Zena Zena — Girls, don't be afraid of the soldiers in town. Go out and have a good time.
Hava Nagila — This famous song calls for everybody to be happy and merry.
Maizarai Tiran — We succeeded in overcoming the difficult straights we were in, and we'll also manage to go through the straights of Tiran.
Sharm El Sheckh — We came back to Sharm el Sheckh, and again there is hope of peace for us. (This was a famous song of the Six Day War).
Nasser Michakeh C'Rabin Mechake Cerabin — Nasser of Egypt is waiting for General Rabin (the Israeli chief of staff during the Six Day War) and will be defeated by him the way he was twice in the past.
Mahar — Maybe tomorrow all our dreams will come true.
Hatshizbat — Let's sit around the fire and tall about the "good old days".
Iggeret Le Nasser — This song is written in form of a letter to Nasser of Egypt, telling him that the help he is getting is not going to help him.
Im Eshkahekh Jerusalem — This is the famous bible quotation "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem; let my right hand forget her cunning".
Debka — - Instrumental
Hevenu Shalom Alalchem — "We brought peace to you" are the words of the song that became an unofficial national anthem of Israel.
The State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14, 1948, in part of the former British Mandate Territory of Palestine.
ISRAEL is a Republic headed by a President who is elected by a 120-member Knesset (parliament). The Government is headed by The Prime Minister. Elections to the Knesset are held every four years on a system of proportional representation. All Israel citizens over the age of 18 irrespective of sex, race or religion, are entitled to vote in secret balloting for both the Knesset and the local government bodies.
Before the Six Day War in June 1967, Israel covered an area of 8.000 sq. miles. As a result of the Six Day War, a further 26.100 sq. miles have come under Israel jurisdiction.
Israel's population as of midsummer 1968, was 2,773,900. The figure includes: 2,383,000 Jews; 286,000 Moslems; 70,000 Christians; 30,000 Druze and others. To this have been added, in the areas under Israel administration, some 950,000 Moslems, 40,000 Christians and 5,000 Druze.
Israel is a vigorous industrial and agricultural country. It is virtually self-supporting in foodstuffs and does a large export of out-of-season agricultural produce, marketed throughout Europe. Although Jaffa citrus fruits continue to be the leading agricultural export, Israeli industry ranges from the production and export of steel, motors and a full range of agricultural and other machinery, through highly skilled electronics and other science-based industries; the diamond cutting and polishing, the manufacture of modern synthetic fibres, the processing of the valuable mineral resources of the Dead Sea and Negev desert, with a fully developed consumer industry supplying fashion, books, furniture, processed foodstuffs, and the majority of modern necessities. In addition, tourism has become an industry of the first order.
In this album we have tried to present a cross section of the music of Israel; old and new songs, folk songs and songs influenced by the hectic politics of this young nation with its ancient heritage.