Featured Artists
- A through C
- D through H
- I through O
- P through Z
Benny Amdursky
- Susan & Fran/Rainbow
- 2002 - Hed-Arzi 64379 CD [x2] (ISR)
- Disc One
- The Old Way (Shaike Paikov, David Barak, Arr. Shaike Paikov)
- The Riders' Horses (Shlomo Gronich & Matti Caspi, Amir Gilboa, Arr. Matti Caspi)
- Where Do The Roads Lead? (Fran Avni, Shimshon Halfi)
- The Grenadier and The Lady (Folk Song, Hebrew: Yaacov Shabtai)
- The Bird (Misha Segal, Natan Zach)
- When He Comes (Susan Devor, Shimrit Orr, Arr. Matti Caspi)
- The Tree (Susan Devor, Hebrew: Ehud Manor, Arr. Matti Caspi)
- Lilac Nights (Susan Devor, Chaim Lenski, Arr. Yaron Gershovski)
- We Haven't Spoken Yet (Matti Caspi, Ehud Manor, Arr. Matti Caspi)
- Chelsea Morning (Joni Mitchell, Hebrew: Ehud Manor)
- Someone (Fran Avni)
- The Jewel Song (Fran Avni, Hebrew: Ehud Manor, Arr. Matti Caspi)
- Disc Two
- Rainbow in the Sky
- Sloop John B
- Blues
- Lily of the West — Solo: Benny
- Twelve Gates To The City
- Turn Turn Turn (Pete Seeger, Hebrew: Dan Almagor)
- Great Getting Up Morning (Hebrew: Dan Almagor)
- The Whistling Gypsy (Hebrew: Dan Almagor)
- Darling Corrie
- First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Ewan MacColl) — Solo: Fran
- Follow the Drinking Guard
- Because All Men Are Brothers (Hebrew: Yaakov Shabtai)
- Three Crows (Yaakov Shabtai, Trad.)
- Danny Boy (Yaakov Shabtai, Susan & Fran, Trad.)
- The Dudaim (Disc Two)
- Benny Amdursky: Vocals
- Israel Gurion: Vocals & Guitar
- Fran & Susan
- Fran Avni: Vocals & Guitar
- Susan Devor: Vocals & Guitar
- Musicians (Tracks: 14, 15, 18, 21, 23)
- Alon Olearchik: Bass
- Eli Magen: Bass
- Credits
- Disc One
- Cover & Photography: Uri Kagan
- Graphics: Avi Avivi
- Disc Two
- Producer: Benny Amdursky
- Musical and Vocal Arrangements: Fran Avni, Susan Devor, Benny Amdursky, Israel Gurion
- Musical Direction: Ora Zitner
- All Songs Trad., Hebrew Translation by Tirza Attar, unless otherwise noted.
- Photo: Studio Gavra
- Cover Design: Kerman Kerman
- 2002 Reissue
- Editing & Production: Pini Dekel and Lior Mizrahi
- Production Management: Sharon Levi
- Mastering: Itzik Filiba
- Mastered at Masterdisk
- Post Production: Shahar Vered
- Designed at DandD Studio
- All the songs on this CD have been digitally edited while maintaining the original sound of the songs. Unfortunately some of the original tapes eroded over time and in these cases we had to use vinyl records instead of the original masters.